Psalm 136, Reimagined (text version)

for the Visual Poetry version, click here.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His love endures forever.

to the One who dreamed up the sun, started its’ engine, and caused it to rise this morning.
His love endures forever.

who chose and numbered the years during which we draw breathe, created and sustains the land upon which we trod, and holds our very world in His hands.
His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, who carefully selected the exact people among whom we live.
His love endures forever.

to the One who chose to allow our abusers to walk the same paths in the same times as our most dearly beloveds.
His love endures forever.

who knew the number and location of every wound that would be inflicted upon us before our great grandparents were born.
His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, the creator and source of profound, restorative healing.
His loves endures forever.

to the One who knows what will heal us and does not grow impatient during the times, full of rage, when we choose not to walk toward Him.
His love endures forever.

who makes extravagant, over-the-top beauty spring up from the most unimaginable stretches of painful wasteland.
His loves endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, who allowed the fires in which we sometimes burn.
His love endures forever.

to the One who walks beside us and holds our hand as we scream.
His love endures forever.

who is neither impatient nor vengeful as He eagerly waits for what He hates to burn off of us.
His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, who imagined the mountaintops on which we occasionally meet Him.
His love endures forever.

to the faithful One, the sure and strong tower of refuge in any storm and every calm.
His love endures forever.

who does not change like the constantly shifting shadow of our multiplied infidelities.
His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, who does not treat us as our sins demand.
His love endures forever.

to the One who knew the full sum of those sins before we committed or confessed the first one.
His love endures forever.

who stands outside time, yet walks beside us as we are constrained and discouraged by its’ weight.
His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, the restorer of blind eyes, repairer of broken walls and very spring of life.
His love endures forever.

to the One who creates out of thin air new years to replace those the locusts have stolen.
His love endures forever.

who daily bears burdens, props up weary arms and dumps blessings all over our heads.
His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord, the giver of all good gifts.
His love endures forever.

to the One true God, the Father of lights, the fountainhead of Joy and of Peace.
His love endures forever.

who stands in unapproachable light, yet reaches down to grab our tiny, grasping fingers.
His love endures forever.