The Unknown Authors Club

*for those who can’t get published*

Vision Statement

To build community among unknown authors, joining our micro-platforms together, and achieving our goals of seeing our words read by broader audiences, bypassing the unsatisfactory model of traditional publishing and its gatekeepers.


Three unknown authors meet in a writer’s cohort, full of words they want to share and optimism for the future — and then smack hard into the realities of modern traditional publishing. Not one of them is a Kardashian, a Beth Moore, or even a micro-influencer, so their chances of traditional publishing are slim to none. However, as hopeful women used to problem-solving, they decide to create for themselves the things for which they’ve been searching. As they join hands to build an audience together, they hope to also create a communal platform in which to highlight the work of other unknown authors. A rising tide raises all ships!


  • Join the micro-communities of like-minded unknown authors to build a viable platform big enough to market our work so that we don’t need to bother with traditional publishers, although we probably wouldn’t refuse to take their call. 😉
  • Streamline a process for micro-publishing (submissions, editing, cover design, internal design, kdp upload, marketing)


  • Quarterly/Monthly Compilation Book published to KDP and other platforms (barnes and noble, iBook, maybe some of the online-only things like wattpad?). Begin with asking writers we know to submit to test the waters on the first book and then publicize within their audiences. We don’t pay for submissions, but you get exposure. We will share with ours if you’ll share with yours. Each essay will be followed by a brief bio of the author, types of things you write and where to find your work, etc.
  • The Unknown Authors Club presents: 10 Essays on Overcoming Rejection. Joy. Grief. Having a Dream. Funniest Travel Story. Most Humiliating Moment as an Author. Short Stories. Poetry. Worst Marketing Story/Idea. Why do you write?
  • Social Media Accounts for growing audience/platform, seeking submissions
  • Email Newsletter with maybe one of the essays, announcement of next book idea and submission guidelines.
  • Humorous posts, fake covers, the unread etc, the joyful/hopeful side of the process
  • Website and social media: featured author, featured new work from one of our community

Possible Roles

  • Leslee: social media management
  • Rachael: website and marketing copy
  • Jodi: website management


  • Unknown Writers Club already exists, and google defines author as the originator of written work versus a writer who may not be writing about their own ideas…
  • is available as a website, theunknownauthorsclub is available on instagram, facebook and twitter
  • As Leslee said, she isn’t interested in celebrity stories. That reminded me that I rarely take book recommendations from people I don’t know, especially celebrities. However, small communities with real relationship have more credibility. A small community of authentic people!

Action Items

  1. Somebody who knows what they’re doing (not me!) create a google doc/folder that we can all edit
  2. Decide on a name and claim the domain and social media handles
  3. Communication/Launch strategy
  4. Think of whom we want to ask to contribute to first book